Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

enapa keberhasilan tampak begitu mudah menghampiri orang lain dan tidak pada diri anda? Kenapa orang lain tampak begitu gampang mendapat apapun yang diinginkannya, sedang anda sekalipun merasa sudah berusaha SANGAT keras, bahkan mungkin jungkir balik ke sana kemari namun yang didapat hanya secuil.

Apa benar itu karena takdir? Apa mungkin mereka lebih beruntung dari anda?

Tentang orang-orang yang berhasil, dari pengamatan saya, mereka memiliki beberapa kesamaan:

  1. Mencintai yang dilakukan. Orang-orang sukses biasanya berhasil di bidang yang dicintainya. Karena senang dengan yang dilakukannya, mereka akan menjalaninya dengan riang gembira. Tanpa ada paksaan. Itulah kenapa misalnya seorang seperti Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda dan Jonru bisa menjadi penyair dan penulis hebat. Karena mereka mencintai yang dilakukannya.
    Lakukan apa yang anda cintai. Makin anda lakukan, makin bersemangat dan nikmat menjalaninya.
  2. Berorientasi pada tujuan. Orang-orang sukses selalu berorientasi pada tujuan. Tahu mengapa harus melakukan sesuatu. Dan memfokuskan usahanya untuk mencapai tujuan itu.
    Ketahui dimana anda sekarang dan kemana akan melangkah, dan tahu bagaimana cara mencapainya. Selanjutnya just ACTION!
  3. Berkumpul di lingkungan orang sukses. Nasihat lama mengatakan kalau ingin harum berkumpullah dengan penjual minyak wangi. Berkumpul di lingkungan yang sesuai, bisa mendorong anda mencapai apa yang anda inginkan.
  4. Percaya diri. Orang-orang sukses memiliki kepercayaan diri. Tanpa ragu mereka akan mengatakan kepada orang di sekelilngnya mengenai tujuan-tujuannya. Mereka mengatakan apa saja yang akan mereka lakukan dan hasilkan.
    Jangan ragu, percayalah pada diri anda. Anda bisa!
  5. Bekerja keras dan cerdas. Sekalipun berbisnis internet yang tiap harinya hanya menghadap komputer, namun jangan dikira kita tak perlu kerja keras dan cerdas. Tanpa bermaksud apa-apa, sekalipun saya bisa saja tak bekerja apapun sepanjang waktu, namun tiap harinya saya tetap mengalokasikan waktu bekerja. Sekalipun ada beberapa karyawan yang membantu, saya tetap ACTION. Saya tak keberatan bangun tengah malam sekalipun untuk mengecek email, blog, dan situs web.
    Ya karena saya menyukainya. Saya mencintai apa yang saya lakukan. Saya cinta internet marketing.

Keberhasilan, kesuksesan atau apapun namanya adalah sebuah proses. Proses yang tak datang hanya dengan sekali ucap “simsalabim” maka berubahlah segalanya. Sukses adalah buah dari komitmen dan proses terus menerus untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan. Seperti besi yang ditempa dalam api, sampai akhirnya menjadi pisau atau benda lain yang lebih berguna.

Kesetiaan menjalani proses itulah kuncinya. Meski klise, namun sampai sekarang terus terbukti sangat telak terhadap hasil akhir yang ingin kita capai.

Dalam hidup segala sesuatunya memang tak selalu berjalan sempurna. Namun bukan berarti kita harus terdiam dan menyerah berpangku tangan pada nasib.

Bangkit dan mari ACTION!

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

How to Generate Traffic, Website Revenue, and Livelihood

you are running a website, chances are you are really only interested in one thing; traffic. Don't get me wrong, you like to know that you have a good looking site with good content. That goes without saying. But what also goes without saying is that unless people are coming on your site, the content doesn't matter. If no one is there to see your beautiful layout, ideas, products and services, then why post them on the net to begin with? Your creation deserves attention. If you need help getting it, you owe it to yourself to learn how to generate traffic, website interest, and revenue.

If you are reading this, it means you've tried advertising and found it a waste of money. You've probably tried to generate traffic through chat rooms, word of mouth, and social networking sites. These all took lots of your time and probably returned less than desirable results. You need the help of a professional marketer, like the kind you can find at instant traffic secrets dot com.

Because everything there is written by a professional, you can rest assured that it works. Some of the tips are incredibly easy, and within just minutes you will notice how easy it is to generate traffic. Website ownership can be fun again! Customers will come looking for you, instead of the other way around! Why waste another dollar on ads, when you can start doing things to your website for free that will have people on your site in numbers you only dreamed of? With that traffic will come sales, links, and referrals. Before long you will be connected into the web, instead of looking in from the outside.

Seek professional help, you'll be glad you did!

Jessica Schroeder supports the Internet marketing lifestyle. She writes informative articles for popular website GetMoreTraffic09.Com. She provides tips on ways to generate traffic website owners can benefit from. Learn more about traffic generation! Check out the site today!

Have a Website? Submit to Search Engines!

I've managed a website for more than four years, and I've only recently begun to see a sizable financial gain. In fact, the first few years I spent more money on hosting and registering the domain than I made in revenue. And that's not including all the money I spent trying to get people to come to my site.

Advertising can get awfully expensive, and when I think of all the money I threw away when I started my first website, it makes me sick. I finally managed to turn things around, though, after I listened to the experts at instant traffic secrets dot com. I learned dozens of tips about how to make a more traffic friendly website. Submit to search engines was by far the best of the lot.

You may be asking what does that mean, and how can it help me get more traffic? Well, it's really very simple. When you spend money on an ad, you are telling people that you have a product or service for them. This can work fairly well, if you can get your message to the right people. The downside is that it can be costly, and if your ads are shown to unresponsive customers, you won't see any profit. What a search engine does is flip the equation on its head. Instead of having to go out and find potential customers, a search engine takes a customer's question and answers it with a product or service. If your website submit to search engines, you will get an incredible amount of traffic that's already interested in what you have for sale. Once you find out how, the results are simple, immediate, and free.

Jessica Schroeder believes in your right to work in your pajamas. She writes informative articles for popular website GetMoreTraffic09.Com on topics like why you should website submit to search engines. Learn more about traffic generation! Check out the site today!

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Get to the Top of Any Search Engine! Register Now!

Every single day, every single night, people use the Internet. The numbers vary, but they are consistently staggering. In the hundreds of millions, people flock to their computers and the connection of the world wide web. Some come to chat, some to read the news, some for research, and others to shop. If your ears perked up at the sound of that, you most probably own an online store or business. You need to learn the truth about how to manipulate a search engine. Register at instant traffic secret dot com to learn the simple, profound truths about how these powerful engines of commerce truly function.

Consider getting a small fraction of those hundred million users to come to your site. How many customers would you need to comfortably support yourself? Think about it, and I'll bet it is a very small fraction indeed. That is the beauty of the search engine. Register once with the right one, and it will drive the exact type of Internet user to you.

If you run your own website, you already have all the necessary tools to make your site "pop out" on a related search engine query. In many cases it can be as simple as changing the text in your homepage, or creating necessary sub-sites. Often times a multi-faceted strategy will net you the greatest number of visitors. The only way to know is to ask an expert, and follow their advice. Before you know it, the small investment in time will have been repaid to you many times over. And once you've set the stage, the search engine does all the work for you. Think of it as an engine in a car; just sit back and push down on the button!

Jessica Schroeder supports the Internet marketing lifestyle. She writes informative articles for popular website GetMoreTraffic09.Com on topics like using a search engine register and more. Learn more about traffic generation! Check out the site today!